What does it cost to use Optimise?
There is no license fee or monthly subscriptions for signing up or access. Optimise charges transaction fees and commission on shipments. For carriers, access is 100% free of charge.
What can I ship?
We support all type of frieght and bulk transport. Please contact us for any specific requirements.
How does SCL verify carriers?
We take pride in ensuring the quality of our Carriers. All Carriers are pre-screened and verified before they start carrying your freight. We regularly monitor compliance documentation and review Carrier performance.
Can I add my existing carriers to Optimise?
Absolutely, we welcome existing relationships allowing you to manage all your transport on one platform.
Who can use SCL?
SCL is a B2B platform allowing businesses of any form with readily available shipments to be linked to equipped carrier service companies.
What locations does SCL ship to?
SCL can handle shipments via road freight, see freight and air freight throughout all of Indian sub-continent.